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Sustainability Lesson Clearinghouse

Water Use and Conservation

Lesson Description:
Students will be able to ... 
  • Define vocabulary related to water conservation
  • Summarize why not all the earth's water is drinkable
  • Discuss the different types of water on earth
  • Examine and calculate personal water use
  • Formulate a personal water conservation plan
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of water conservation plan

Only about three percent of the world's water is available for drinking. As the world's population increases, more and more people need this natural resource. However, like all natural resources, there is not an infinite supply of water. In this investigation, students learn what it means to conserve water. Using an H2O diary, students will monitor their family's water use and propose methods for home water conservation.
Lesson Type:
  • Audit
  • Other

Sustainability Topic:
  • Water

GEF Program Category:
  • Sustainable Water Challenge

Time Needed:
Three 45-minute class periods, one week for home observations
Standards Addressed:
Science, Standard 1, Levels II, III, and IV
  • Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle.

Science, Standard 2, Level II
  • Understands Earth's composition and structure.

Science, Standard 12, Levels III and IV
  • Understands the nature of scientific inquiry.

Thinking and Reasoning, Standard 1, Level IV
  • Understands and applies the basic principles of presenting an argument.

Thinking and Reasoning, Standard 4, Levels III and IV
  • Understands and applies basic principles of hypothesis testing and scientific inquiry.

Thinking and Reasoning, Standard 5, Levels III and IV
  • Applies basic trouble-shooting and problem-solving techniques.

Materials Needed:
  • Science Journal
  • 3-5-gallon aquarium
  • 3 gallons of water
  • Measuring cup (24-ounce)
  • Green food coloring
  • Two 6-ounce see-through containers
  • Eye-dropper
  • Sand

School or Group:
Planet H2o
Contact Email:
See for Further Handouts and Information.
Lesson Documents:
application/pdf gwa1.pdf
Located in: Social Studies

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Center for Green Schools