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Sustainability Lesson Clearinghouse

Find My Plant

Lesson Description:
After writing observations, measuring size and drawing details about a single plant, Students will trade their descriptions with other students. Partners will try to find designated plants based on descriptions, measurements, and drawings.

Eco-fact: The largest flower in the world is the rafflesia or "corpse flower". They are generally 3 feet in diameter with the record being 42 inches.

  • Have the class bring their nature journals outside. Their goal is to write down as much information about a single plant as they can, so that others can find their plant using their description.
  • Once everyone has located the plant of their choice, they can begin by writing down the description of the plant including its size, shape, color, and smell in their nature journals. Remind children that the descriptions must include many details so that others can find the plant later.
  • After the descriptions have been finished, the class can then use their rulers to write down measurements including the plant’s height and width.
  • Next children can draw a picture of the plant making the drawing as detailed as they can. be sure children include any unique and interesting markings that set the plant apart. Students can even use coloring utensils to make to make their drawings appear as lifelike as possible.
  • Once the drawings have been completed, have the class trade their journal with another classmate. Their goal is to find the plant using their classmate’s description. If they think they found the plant, they can ask the person they traded with to see if they were correct.
  • After everyone has located their plants, gather the class in a circle and discuss their findings.
  • Sample questions below:
    • Was everyone able to locate their partner’s plant?
    • Which information was the most helpful in locating the plant?
    • Which information was the least helpful in locating the plant?
    • Which was more helpful the words describing the plant or the picture of the plant?

  • For younger students one adult and a small group of children can work as a team. Children can dictate the description to adult to scribe. Adult can assist children in plant measurement. All children can draw pictures of their team plant. They can trade description and pictures with another team. The adult from that team can read description to children to help in finding the plant.
  • Younger children can use non standard measures to describe plant. (the plant is as tall as my arm. the leaves are as long as my thumb.)

Lesson Type:
  • Other

Sustainability Topic:
  • Gardening

GEF Program Category:
  • Green Thumb Challenge

Time Needed:
50 minutes
Materials Needed:
  • nature journal
  • pencil and eraser
  • rulers
  • coloring utensils

School or Group:
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Center for Green Schools