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Sustainability Lesson Clearinghouse

Hazardous Products Substitutes

Lesson Description:
Understanding the symbols and words that identify products which contain hazardous substances can help students avoid potential dangers. In addition, by pointing out these warnings it may be possible to shop more carefully for the least toxic alternative for a given job and to wear the proper protective clothing when dealing with toxic substances. Students will recognize signal words and visual symbols that indicate the presence of hazardous substances. they will identify 'how much' of various products would be dangerous to people or to the earth. Students will create a recipe book for safe substitutes for home use.

Common Curriculum Goals:
  • Science: Unifying concepts and processes
    • Apply explanatory concepts of model, system, theory, probability, and replication

  • Health Education: Safe and healthy environment
    • Explain safe physical, social and emotional environments for individuals, families, schools and communities
    • Understand and apply strategies to improve and maintain individual, family, school and community health

Lesson Type:
  • Other

Sustainability Topic:
  • Water
  • Waste Reduction
  • Other

GEF Program Category:
  • Sustainable Water Challenge

Time Needed:
40-50 minutes
Standards Addressed:
Grade 3 Benchmark:
  • Compare objects, drawings, and constructions to the real things they represent.

Students will:
  • Recognize signal words and visual symbols that indicate the presence of hazardous substances
  • Identify “how much” of various products would be dangerous to people or to the earth
  • Create a recipe book for safe substitutes for home use

Materials Needed:
  • Transparencies
  • Signal Words
  • Routes of Exposure
  • Learning about Labels
  • Worksheet - Identify the Hazards
  • Play, Rocky's Not-So-Fun Adventures
  • Take home sheets
  • Tips for a Safer Home and Safe Substitute Recipes
  • Worksheet - Sink to Stream

School or Group:
Deq Oregon State
Contact Email:
Lesson Documents:
application/pdf RRPart0218.pdf
Located in: Health

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Center for Green Schools