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Sustainability Lesson Clearinghouse

Energy Conservation

Lesson Description:
  • Identify and describe how an individual’s action in regards to conserving energy is a form of waste management and can affect change and improve the environment.
  • Organize, interpret and analyze data using a variety of graphic representations, and draw logical conclusions.

Lesson Type:
  • Other

Sustainability Topic:
  • Energy
  • Waste Reduction

GEF Program Category:
  • Waste Reduction Challenge
  • Green Energy Challenge

Time Needed:
45 minutes
Standards Addressed:
Technology Standard 3: Understand the relationship among science, technology, society and the individual.
  • Benchmark # 1: Know that technologies often have costs as well as benefits (e.g., as new technologies are developed, man’s need for energy increases, resources are used and more pollution/waste is created) and this can have an enormous effect on people and other living things.
  • Benchmark # 4: Know that new inventions reflect people’s needs and wants, and when these change, technology changes to reflect the new needs and wants (e.g., upgrades to new energy using devices require more and more energy usage).
  • Benchmark # 5: Understand that technology may affect the environment both negatively and positively (e.g., renewable energy, such as wind and waterpower, create cleaner energy, but may effect wildlife populations in areas where they are used).

Science Standard 9: Understand the sources and properties of energy.
  • Benchmark #1: Know that heat is often produced when one form of energy is converted to another form.

Language Arts Standard 8: Use listening and speaking strategies for different purposes.
  • Benchmark # 3: Respond to questions and comments (e.g., gives reasons in support of opinions).
  • Benchmark # 5: Use strategies to convey a clear main point when speaking (e.g., express ideas in a logical manner, use specific vocabulary to present information).

Materials Needed:
  • Bulletin Board T chart similar to the printable one shown below
  • Picture cards provided below
  • “Buddy’s Story” provided below

School or Group:
Green Education Foundation (GEF)
Contact Email:
Located in: Science | Language Arts

The Sustainability Lesson Clearinghouse is brought to you in partnership with

Center for Green Schools