The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City
By: Kelly Coyne
This celebrated, essential handbook shows how to grow and preserve your own food, clean your house without toxins, raise chickens, gain energy independence, and more. Step-by-step projects, tips, and anecdotes will help get you started homesteading immediately. The Urban Homestead is also a guidebook to the larger movement and will point you to the best books and Internet resources on self-sufficiency topics. |
Powering the Future: How We Will (Eventually) Solve the Energy Crisis and Fuel the Civilization of Tomorrow
By: Robert B. Laughlin
In Powering the Future, Nobel laureate Robert B. Laughlin transports us two centuries into the future, when we’ve ceased to use carbon from the ground—either because humans have banned carbon burning or because fuel has simply run out. Boldly, Laughlin predicts no earth-shattering transformations will have taken place. Six generations from now, there will still be soccer moms, shopping malls, and business trips. Firesides will still be snug and warm.
How will we do it? Not by discovering a magic bullet to slay our energy problems, but through a slew of fascinating technologies, drawing on wind, water, and fire. Powering the Future is an objective yet optimistic tour through alternative fuel sources, set in a world where we’ve burned every last drop of petroleum and every last shovelful of coal. |
Generation Green: the Ultimate Teen Guide to Living an Eco-Friendly Life
By: Linda Sivertsen
We all know about the Earth's environmental crisis, but there is someone who can truly make a difference: you. If you text your friends or chat with them online, download music to your iPod, or toss bottles and papers into recycling bins, you're already more eco-savvy than you think. It's just as easy to do even more to help save the earth, and Generation Green shows you how. |
Smart Cycling: Promoting Safetly, Fun, Fitness, and the Environment
By: League of American Bicyclists
Cycling is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Many people are looking to cycling as the solution to concerns about rising fuel costs, environmental issues, and lack of exercise. Biking to school or work is inexpensive, active, and green, but some children have never learned to ride a bike and many adults haven’t dusted off their bikes in years. These new cyclists need help building their skills before they take to the road. If your school or organization wants to offer bicycle skill and safety classes in your community, Smart Cycling: Promoting Safety, Fun, Fitness, and the Environment is the one resource you will need. In the book, the League of American Bicyclists shares proven instructional strategies that will help you teach cyclists of any age the basics they should know before hopping on a bike. |