Volunteers are an integral part of making National Green Week a success! Do your part!
GEF National Green Week Volunteer Ideas
- Organize and/or help with a school waste reduction program to implement recycling, composting or paperless programs at the school
- Volunteer to help with craft projects using reusable or recycled materials
- Encourage and organize a waste free snacks or lunch program
- Organize litter clean up in around the schoolyard
- Organize a recycled book drive: kids bring in used books and sell to other kids
- Organize efforts to create a green library within the school or local library
- Raise funds to purchase environmental education books
- Volunteer to read environmental education books to children in classroom or library
- Visit the GEF website for green book suggestions
- Assist school administrators in the many activities that they can implement during National Green Week such as, lights out classrooms, walk/bike/carpool week, idle free week, Waste-Free Snacks, Green Energy Challenge, and more
- Advocate for the installation of safe sidewalks and bicycle paths to schools and other local destinations (work with the Safe Routes to schools organization http://www.saferoutesinfo.org/)
- Organize efforts to raise funds to purchase and install bike racks for the school
- Organize and promote student carpooling, walking or biking whenever possible
- Help students create posters for bike/walk/carpool/idle free days and weeks
- Orchestrate a bike exchange at school or work where students donate bikes that are too small and exchange for older bikes
- Host a bike tune up day with a local bike shop donating their services to local elementary schools, it provides free advertising for their shop