Centreville Elementary School
Centreville, VA
Centreville Elementary Schools was named one of the Top 10 Green Schools in the US, by the National Wildlife Federaiton. Our goal is for our student to see sustainability, stewardship, healthy eating, and service learning as the thing to do.
This past summer we took our gardens to a whole new level by incorporating a Farmer’s Market to show students and our community that it is EASY to be sustainable and eat healthy. We have partnered with a local farmer (Piney Meadow Farms- Midland, VA)who provides us with organic produce, to supplement what we grow at our school.
We will continue with our farmers market throughout the school year. Each Tuesday, at dismissal parents will be able to pick up their child and produce at the same time! EASY! Students will run the farmers market. They will advertise, keep books, order, set up the table, run a cash register, use a produce scale and work with the public. This will demonstrate real sustainability, from farm to table, as well as healthy eating and job skills, while reinforcing Math & Science.
If we are lucky enough to be awarded the money, it will go towards helping our school yard gardens stay up and running, purchasing plants for our gardens.
View our VIDEO